Sisao launches a tasty trilogy of chocolate bars without lactose or added sugar
From today until February 29, the brand creator and his team are present at Manor Geneva (rue de Cornavin 6), to present and taste three exceptional new chocolate creations, in preview. From February 29, the tablets will also be on sale in the Manor centers of Vésenaz and Chavannes ... Read more

OneFM: Radio interview of Ahmed Atmani - Creator of Sisao
click here to download the mp3 audio file of the interview

FOUR Magazine - Geneva for chocoholics
The biggest surprise of the day was Sisao, specialist in lactose- and sugar-free chocolate made from single origin and certified organic cocoa sourced from a Fairtrade coop in Togo... Read more

Le Temps - Du chocolat artisanal haut en goût, sans sucre ajouté, ça se trouve sur la Côte vaudoise
L’objectif de cette jeune structure romande qui siège à Luins? Proposer des produits haut de gamme alliant expérience de dégustation raffinée et préoccupations nutritionnelles... Read more

La côte - Du chocolat à contre-courant
La jeune pousse Sisao mise sur des produits d’exception au look et à la recette audacieux. Du chocolat qui flatte les pa- pilles et pupilles sans (trop) alourdir notre bedaine ni gâter nos dents. Un pari relevé avec brio par le pâtissier-confiseur Ahmed Atmani... Read more


Chocolate, a delicious Swiss tradition. Bitter liquid of the time of the Mayas, it softens over time to delight the taste buds of European aristocrats.

In the 19th century, while keeping its softness, it becomes solid then and finally mixed with Swiss mountain milk skillfully converted into powder. Cocoa, sugar, milk powder and the tremendous Swiss know-how have created one of our most exquisite traditions.

Sisao chocolate continues this quest for aromas, while considering the interests of today. Swiss chocolate, harmonious and rounded, released lactose and added sugars. Black, milk or white chocolates, subtle and unctuous: can amaze both those seeking new flavors and those who enjoy a product without lactose and no added sugar. Sisao continues the development of our beloved chocolate with Swiss quality and tradition.

--Sisao Team